Saturday, February 21, 2009


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Healthy Desserts

Many households in America end their family time with desserts. May it be cookies, brownies, or other tasty desserts, we just love to indulge on these sweet treats as we finish our last part of the meal. In fact, desserts are part of American tradition. However, we must choose wisely on what eat for desserts. 450 calories with 200 calories from fat chocolate chip cookies may seem little at first, but as we continue to consume these high calorie desserts, it will affect our health and weight tremendously. Being the highest obesity rating in the world, we can make a difference by turning our eyes away from cookies and brownies, and replacing them with fresh fruits.

We can replace these high calorie desserts with fresh fruits. Apples are great replacements for cookies and brownies. As the sayings an apple a day keeps a doctor away, apples lower cholesterol, prevent several cancers, and helps weight loss. Also they have fiber, which help promote heart health and maintain regularity. We can maintain healthy by eating 72 calorie apples instead of consuming 450 calories with 2oo calories from fat, chocolate chip cookie. Strawberries are also excellent desserts for families to enjoy. They are rich in antioxidants, low in calories, and high in vitamins; in fact, a cup of strawberries a day will provide 140 percent of daily vitamins. Strawberries not only help stay fit, but it also provides enough vitamins to strengthen our immune system. Lastly, peaches, which are one of my favorite desserts, are also great desserts. The medium peaches have only 37 calories, which are one-twelfth of chocolate chip cookie's calories. Fruits are perfect desserts for families who want to eat safe, healthy desserts after their hearty dinners.
Ice creams, cookies, and brownies are traditional type of desserts of typical households. However we must break out from our old ways and change our desserts into a healthier style. It is perfectly okay if we add these sweet desserts into our dessert schedule sometimes, but, we must put fruits as our first desserts. Fruit desserts help us to maintain our health and weight. So the next time you have desserts with your loved ones, please replace the delicious cookies with fresh fruits.

With or Without Whip Cream?

Starbucks Coffee is definitely my favorite place to indulge on sweet drinks. In fact, I am its daily customer at CSULB. I casually drop by during class breaks on Mondays and Wednesdays to order Grande sized, Iced White Chocolate Mocha. Whenever I order, the workers would always ask me if i want whip cream on it and I would shyly reply with a "yes" to be polite. Little did I know that this response would cause me to gain few more pounds in my weight.

Two weeks, ago however, I was looking at the nutrition table of beverages at Starbucks website. Curious human being that I am, I clicked on Grande Iced White Chocolate Mocha. Unsurprisingly, it was 450 calories with 180 calories of fat; I already expected that such a rich tasting drink would be filled with at least 400 calories. However as i looked at the right hand corner of the nutrition label, there was a "customize section" where I can recalculate by changing the size of the drink or not adding the whip cream. Since i had nothing better to do at 11 PM, I made the check box on "No Whip Cream." In my head, I didn't expect much of a change. I mean, it was just without a handful of whip cream on a beverage. When I looked at the revised nutrition label, however, I was dumfounded. It now had 340 calories with 80 calories of fat, at least 100 calories less than with whip cream! Mind you, I pay careful attention on calories of foods that I eat. This was a big shock to me because i didn't think that a small amount of whip creams can change the amount of calories this drastically. I took a short breath and searched for my second favorite Starbucks beverage, Mocha Frappuccino, on the web page. With whip cream, it had 380 calories with 130 calories of fat while it had 260 calories with 35 calories of fat without this fatty cream. Once again, i was taken aback by the major change in calorie amount. I suddenly felt sick from the thought of all the fats that i consumed in the past from this little, white whip cream; I thought about how many times I ordered from Starbucks and began to realize how 100 extra calories can build up over time. I didn't know that a polite "yes" added extra, worthless fat in my stomach without realizing it.

The next time you go to Starbucks, don't be too shy or polite to say "no" when the workers politely ask you whether or not you want whip cream on your drink. It is sometimes beneficial to say "no".

Choosing the Right Subway Sandwich

Subway restaurant is everywhere around America. In fact, Subway is one of the most popular food restaurants in our campus. To avoid greasy, highly fat concentrated fast foods, many students at CSULB turn towards this "healthy" sandwich place. However, not all sandwiches from Subway are low fat meals. Many fail to realize that some sandwiches are actually in the same league as McDonald's Big Mac Sandwich. People must choose carefully or their efforts to eat low calorie meals will be in vain.

Let's take for an example: 6 inch Tuna Sandwich. Many Subway customers pick this sandwich without any hesitation, because they learned from the society that fishes are healthy, low fat meat. This belief would have been true if Subway didn't jam-pack unhealthy mayos with it. 6 Inch Tuna Sandwiches have 530 calories with 31 grams of fat while McDonald's Big Mac sandwich has 540 calories with 29 grams of fat. That's about the same league as Big Mac! In fact, it has more grams of fat than this McDonald's infamous burger. Plus, many people will order 1 foot long sandwich since it is only 5 dollars, therefore, they will eat 1000 calorie with 48 grams of fat sandwich for their meals. Let' take another look at unhealthy Subway Sandwich. 6 Inch Italian BMT, one of the most favorite Subway Sandwiches, has 450 calories with 21 grams of fat. This supposedly healthy sandwich is in same league as McDonald's Big N Tasty Sandwich, which has 460 calories with 23 grams of fat. On top of that, since all foot long sandwiches are five dollars, which i mentioned earlier, many customers will consume 900 calories with 42 grams of fat for their meals. Their efforts to resist fatty meals turns out be in vain.

Subway customers must choose carefully when they order their meals. 6 Inch Chicken Breast Sandwich, which has 310 calories with 21 grams of fat, is an excellent choice for customers who want to eat a healthy, low calorie, sandwich. 6 inch Turkey Breast Sandwich is also a great choice with only 280 calories and 4.5 grams of fat. Choose the right Subway Sandwich and it will be perfectly fine.