Saturday, February 21, 2009

Healthy Desserts

Many households in America end their family time with desserts. May it be cookies, brownies, or other tasty desserts, we just love to indulge on these sweet treats as we finish our last part of the meal. In fact, desserts are part of American tradition. However, we must choose wisely on what eat for desserts. 450 calories with 200 calories from fat chocolate chip cookies may seem little at first, but as we continue to consume these high calorie desserts, it will affect our health and weight tremendously. Being the highest obesity rating in the world, we can make a difference by turning our eyes away from cookies and brownies, and replacing them with fresh fruits.

We can replace these high calorie desserts with fresh fruits. Apples are great replacements for cookies and brownies. As the sayings an apple a day keeps a doctor away, apples lower cholesterol, prevent several cancers, and helps weight loss. Also they have fiber, which help promote heart health and maintain regularity. We can maintain healthy by eating 72 calorie apples instead of consuming 450 calories with 2oo calories from fat, chocolate chip cookie. Strawberries are also excellent desserts for families to enjoy. They are rich in antioxidants, low in calories, and high in vitamins; in fact, a cup of strawberries a day will provide 140 percent of daily vitamins. Strawberries not only help stay fit, but it also provides enough vitamins to strengthen our immune system. Lastly, peaches, which are one of my favorite desserts, are also great desserts. The medium peaches have only 37 calories, which are one-twelfth of chocolate chip cookie's calories. Fruits are perfect desserts for families who want to eat safe, healthy desserts after their hearty dinners.
Ice creams, cookies, and brownies are traditional type of desserts of typical households. However we must break out from our old ways and change our desserts into a healthier style. It is perfectly okay if we add these sweet desserts into our dessert schedule sometimes, but, we must put fruits as our first desserts. Fruit desserts help us to maintain our health and weight. So the next time you have desserts with your loved ones, please replace the delicious cookies with fresh fruits.


  1. However, have you noticed that even though fruit is fruit and chocolate is chocolate, they can be even combined like the edible’s fruit. Either it is with dipped chocolate strawberries or dipped pears, putting the two together can lead to a healthier body and yet you still get the sweets you prefer. Also, who says that dessert has to be the last thing on the menu, it will taste just as good if it were at the beginning. People should not always pick a fruit over a sugary treat. Every once in a while we should let lose but not over do it to be able to eat what we want. Why else would they have created such thing?

  2. Eating dessert for dinner is the best part because it ending with something sweet. I agree that people should choose healthier dessert to eat, but I think most of society today is choosing healthier food to eat for their appearance rather than their health. Today, people can constantly see billboards and advertisements promoting eating healthier for their looks and that is why several people are trying to eat healthier. Society today is greatly influence to care about their appearance because of Hollywood and television. On television and in movies people mostly see beautiful celebrities with the perfect hair, perfect face and the perfect body. With advertisers stating that by eating healthy people can have that perfect body, therefore people are so desperate to appear good in society that they choose to eat healthy. People main reasons for eating healthy is for looks rather than their health.

    -Vincent Luong

  3. I never eat dessert for dinner… Most of the time, I am just full and cannot take anything else, but the times I think I can handle a dessert, somehow I realize that this huge thing with chocolate syrups on will destroy my body. But then I feel that some desserts with fruits, as you mentioned about (strawberries, peach, etc.), might be a great dessert to enjoy. I totally agree that choosing a right dessert will be beneficial, but still, eating too much might be harmful because unless it is a real fruit, a dessert somewhat contains sugar or other fatty stuff.
