Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Fast Food or Fancy Restaurants?

Sometimes we struggle to pick a restaurant when we take out our loved ones because of our money. In many occasions, we try to satisfy our hungers with fast-food restaurants like In-N-Out or Panda Express to spend as less money as possible. However, we fail to realize that by sacrificing little bit of our money, we can spend awesome time with our loved ones in a fancy restaurants. Hence, you will give them more happiness and more meaning memories as well.
A week ago, my brother came down from UCLA and wanted to treat me out for lunch. Though I wanted to stay home and sleep little bit more before I went to class, I accepted his offer. I mean, who wouldn’t say yes to free meal? As usual, I expected my brother to take me out to Lee’s Sandwich or some shabby fast food restaurants. But for some reason, he took the freeway and soon we were at front of the Cheesecake Factory in Huntington Beach. I was quite taken aback because first, this was my first time eating here and secondly, I heard from my friends that it was expensive restaurant, sometimes ranging from $15-20. As we entered, the waitresses were ready to escort us to our tables. I looked around the structures. Designed in Greek/European style, the inside of the restaurant brought luxurious atmosphere to my eyes. The huge pillars inside appealed to my eyes as my brother and I sat on our table. I was amazed by how big and luxurious the restaurant was. Unlike the shabby fast food restaurants, where we had to find seats ourselves, my brother and I were escorted to a “clean” table. As soon as we were seated, a waiter came up to our table and in a polite manner, introduced himself before he took our orders. While in fast food restaurants, where we had to line up to order our meals, in expensive restaurants like Cheesecake Factory, the waiter came up to our table and received our orders like we were in a royal family. By putting more money on our table, we were treated with respect and courtesy. As I looked through the menu, there was a lunch special section where it ranged from $8-10, a reasonable price for restaurants. I ordered Fettuccini with Chicken and Sun-Dried Tomatoes while my brother got Hawaiian Pizza with Salad. As we waited for our meals to arrive, my brother and I talked about our busy lives. For some reason, I was actually into a deep conversation with my brother, something that we couldn’t have while we were at fast food restaurants because people were so loud. Because of the quiet and yet, luxurious atmosphere, we were able to share stories without any disruptions. Besides the social conversations, the meals satisfied my expectations. Unlike the fast food restaurants, where the workers microwave their frozen ingredients, Cheesecake Factory meals that we ordered seemed fresh. After I finish my Fettucini, I was having hard time breathing from eating so much. Even though it was lunch special, my meal was abundant enough for my hungry stomach. As we stepped outside and walked toward our car, I was truly happy that I was able to eat a delicious meal in a luxurious restaurant while spending great time with my brother at the same time.
So next time you take out your loved ones, please sacrifice few more dollars and eat at a fancy restaurant. Not only will you bring more happiness to them, but also, you will give more meaningful memories to them as well.

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